Serve First, Sell Later Marketing

#8 How to Use Virtual Stages To Bring In New Clients

February 07, 2024 Sylvia Garibaldi Season 1 Episode 8
#8 How to Use Virtual Stages To Bring In New Clients
Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
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Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
#8 How to Use Virtual Stages To Bring In New Clients
Feb 07, 2024 Season 1 Episode 8
Sylvia Garibaldi

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Listen in as I share the untapped potential of virtual stages for legal and financial professionals who want to seriously grow their practices. This conversation unpacks the secrets behind using online platforms as a robust lead generation tool, providing you with actionable strategies to establish thought leadership and attract new clients through social media, live streams, and online communities. I share client case studies from professionals who learned how to leverage these virtual venues to significantly broaden their influence and build their practices!

You’ll also discover how a compelling call to action can turn prospects into clients, and why making your 'ask' clear and specific is crucial. Tune into this episode as I equip you with the skills necessary to turn a curious listener into a loyal client. You won’t want to miss this one! Subscribe, listen, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Episode highlights:
Using Virtual Stages for Lead Generation
Virtual Stages for Brand Awareness
Consistency in Virtual Stages
Creating a Compelling Call to Action

Links mentioned:
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Show Notes Transcript

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Listen in as I share the untapped potential of virtual stages for legal and financial professionals who want to seriously grow their practices. This conversation unpacks the secrets behind using online platforms as a robust lead generation tool, providing you with actionable strategies to establish thought leadership and attract new clients through social media, live streams, and online communities. I share client case studies from professionals who learned how to leverage these virtual venues to significantly broaden their influence and build their practices!

You’ll also discover how a compelling call to action can turn prospects into clients, and why making your 'ask' clear and specific is crucial. Tune into this episode as I equip you with the skills necessary to turn a curious listener into a loyal client. You won’t want to miss this one! Subscribe, listen, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Episode highlights:
Using Virtual Stages for Lead Generation
Virtual Stages for Brand Awareness
Consistency in Virtual Stages
Creating a Compelling Call to Action

Links mentioned:
Click here to listen to episode 7:
Click here to join our facebook group: 

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00:00 - Sylvia (Host)
Hello everyone, and welcome back to episode eight of the Serve First, sell Later Marketing podcast. Today we're diving into a game-changing approach that will have you reaching for your notepad and pen in no time. But first let me ask you this have you ever felt like your expertise as a professional and your valuable insights just weren't reaching for you? Have you ever felt like your valuable insights just weren't reaching the audience that they deserve? So we live in a world where the majority of the population is constantly connected online, which means we have a captive audience at our fingertips just waiting to hear what we have to say. So imagine being able to step onto a virtual stage and deliver your message directly to this engaged and attentive audience. How to leverage virtual stages for your online marketing strategies and the significance of having a captive online audience really can't be overstated. It's an opportunity to showcase your expertise, connect with potential clients and really make a lasting impression. So I wanna spend some time today to talk about this, because if you're serious about creating a lead generation tool to grow your professional practice, then this is it. It's very cost effective, as it costs close to $0 to implement except for your time, and the return on investment is huge. This will bring in new business to your practice when you do it right and when you do it consistently Okay. So virtual stages come in many forms, and the first one I wanna touch on are social media platforms, live stream shows or even online communities. So, for instance, you could host your own live show on LinkedIn, facebook, instagram or YouTube, and you could even appear on someone else's live show, leveraging their audience for instant exposure to new prospects. 

And so I think another type of virtual stage that I wanna touch on right now is online communities. So, for example, if you're a divorce mediator and you know a divorce financial professional who has their own private online community, you could actually deliver a talk to a group of divorceing clients within that community. But why you should consider speaking on virtual stages is because the benefits are numerous. Firstly, it brings you instant exposure to new prospects and, by leveraging the stages of others, their followers become your audience. So their followers become your audience very powerful, and this not only expands your reach, but it also endorses your credibility as being introduced by a trusted source. So I think you see where I'm going with this. So speaking on virtual stages also helps you build your brand awareness and establish you as an expert in your field and, without a doubt, bring in new business, and I can't stress this enough. Moreover, public speaking, even in a virtual setting, can boost your confidence, it can improve your communication skills and it can foster personal development, so it's a win-win in so many different ways, and it's also a really powerful way to connect with audiences and remind yourself that you have valuable insights and opinions to share, and so, whether it's on social media, whether it's in an online community, these virtual stages can be a real, game-changing strategy for marketing your professional practice. So I want to also share some real-life success stories of professionals who've used the power of virtual stages to expand their reach and grow their practices. 

So, as an example, let's start with Rachel, who's a certified divorce financial analyst who embraced the virtual stage with open arms. So, using the strategies that we teach, rachel booked not one, not two, but seven virtual stages in less than three months, all through using the strategies that we teach on LinkedIn, and so her success is a testament to the effectiveness of connecting with the right profiles who could benefit from her expertise. Now, rachel's approach was strategic. She identified other potential partners and professionals who already had a captive audience on LinkedIn, and so an audience that was going through separation or divorce. So, by speaking in their private online communities, she was able to deliver valuable talks directly to those who needed her guidance the most, and I can't stress how important that is, because it's a very targeted approach that, for Rachel, became a monthly revenue generator, and so it's super, super important to understand that when you are targeting the right audience, it can make a world of difference to your results. 

All right, another great example is Elizabeth, a client of ours who's a divorce lawyer, who took a slightly different route. She set up a series of Zoom rooms, advertised through her social media channels and website, and what she did is she presented on topics that were really critical to divorcing families, and, despite the fluctuating attendance, her consistency paid off. It paid off because she welcomed three new clients, all from the comfort of her desk. So these virtual stages, they aren't just one-off appearances. They're about building a presence and becoming a recognized authority in your field, and so Elizabeth's success shows that you don't need to create new content. Sometimes repeating the same valuable talk can be more effective, as repetition is key for information retention, and I think it's also not just about the exposure. When you speak on someone else's virtual stage, you're being endorsed by them, and so their audience becomes your audience, and their trust becomes your credibility, and so this is a really powerful form of marketing that can rapidly build your brand awareness and establish you as a thought leader in your space. And I think it's also important that it's not just about sharing information. It's about providing a transformation, and so, as professionals, your clients are seeking outcomes and solutions to their problems, and by speaking on virtual stages, you're not just reaching more people, you're actually helping more people achieve the peace and resolution that they desperately need. 

All right, so the second type of virtual stage is creating and engaging with your own online community, such as a private Facebook group or a private LinkedIn group. It's like building a dedicated forum where your ideal prospects gather. So imagine having a space where you can share insights, answer questions and provide value directly to those who need your expertise the most, because it's not just about broadcasting your message, it's about fostering a conversation and building relationships. So the beauty of these online communities is that they're free platforms and they're accessible to anyone with an internet connection, and so the benefits they're tremendous. By leading a community, you position yourself as an authority in your field and you become the go-to person for advice and guidance. So let me just talk about exposure for a moment here. 

When you host a group or community, you're not just reaching out to individuals, you're tapping into networks. You're tapping into networks, so each member has the potential to share your content, to invite others and help your community and your influence grow organically. We have our own private online community on Facebook, and that's just for legal and financial professionals. So please check out our group. I'll actually put the link in the show notes for you, okay? So another version of your online community is also your email list, or your subscriber list. So have you ever thought about your own online community as being your email list? Well, there you have it. That is an online community. So every interaction, every piece of value that you provide is a chance to invite members to subscribe for more in-depth content, exclusive resources or even consultations. 

This isn't just about numbers. It's about nurturing leads and converting them into clients, and I think that's super, super important. So here's an example If you're an elder care mediator, your group could be a resource for families seeking consensus on care for aging parents, and so, by providing a space for this type of discussion and support, what you're doing is you're actually addressing the pain points of your audience and, at the same time, demonstrating the value that you bring to the table, and that's an example of a private online group or private online community. I hope this is making sense and I hope this is generating some ideas for you. Okay, the third type of virtual stage that I wanna touch on now are podcasts, webinars, zoom rooms, virtual conferences, summits, workshops, et cetera. So these platforms offer unique opportunities to connect with audiences anywhere in the world, and so podcasts, for instance, are a fantastic way to share your expertise at scale, and so they allow for in-depth discussions on topics that matter most to your audience, and, for example, if you're a mediator, you could host a podcast series that tackles the intricacies of conflict resolution, providing listeners with valuable insights and tips. So Zoom meeting rooms and webinars have really become a staple in the virtual world, and I'm sure you've already noticed that and so they offer a direct line to engage with potential clients, and so I shared an example earlier of one of our clients, elizabeth, who set up a weekly Zoom room series, and that was very successful. So if you want some more strategies on webinars that most professionals aren't doing and will definitely move the dial for you, then you need to check out episode number seven. It's a game changer, and I'll actually put the link in the show notes for you. 

So, really, consistency is the secret sauce to making these virtual stages work for you. It's not just about hosting one event and then expecting a flood of clients, because if that's what you're expecting, you might be disappointed. It's really about showing up regularly, providing value and building trust with your audience. So think about it If you host a Zoom room or a podcast episode once, you might reach a handful of people yes, that will happen. But if you host these events regularly, you're not only reaching more people over time, but you're also giving your audience multiple opportunities or multiple touch points to engage with you, and so what this does is it's like casting a wider net each time. So another benefit of consistency is that it can accelerate your marketing efforts. So with recurring events such as these, you can actually promote them continuously, not just until they start. So what this involves is really constant promotion that can lead to a larger audience over time, and, as most of you know, consistency really does help build your brand. When you show up regularly, you become a familiar face to your audience and they start to recognize you as an expert in your field, and so this recognition just leads to trust and ultimately to new clients. 

So virtual conferences, workshops and summits they really open up another avenue and they're like traditional conferences, but without the travel and accommodation hassles. So as a legal professional, as a financial professional, you can host virtual workshops on just about anything. But let's take the example If you're a legal professional, you may, you may want to host a workshop on negotiation tactics or a conference on the latest trends and arbitration. These are events that not only position you as an authority but also allow for interactive experiences with a broader audience. And let's not forget about the collaborative opportunities that naturally come out of these virtual conferences. So the beauty of these virtual stages is that they remove the back end marketing and promotion needed to actually attract attendees. So when you're a guest on someone else's stage, they do all the heavy lifting for you. So your job is just to get on the stage, deliver value, to be seen as an expert, address the pain points of the audience and create a relationship after the presentation or after your online delivery. 

All right, I'd be remiss if I didn't underscore the significance of concluding your online talks on virtual stages with a compelling call to action. If you've been listening to my episodes, you will hear me talk about this a lot. So this is where prospects can transition into clients and individuals can evolve into advocates of your work. However, to harness this potential, you have to make the ask. But where most professionals go wrong is actually in their ask. It's too vague and not specific enough. So you actually have to encourage people to take action with you, but in a way that is enticing and very specific. That will actually leave them saying, heck, yes, I do need to do this. That's what you want them saying when they read your call to action. 

So let me give you an example that I see many divorce professionals use with a call to action, and they might say something like if you're interested in learning more about how I can help you with your divorce, feel free to reach out to me at your convenience. Well, that doesn't tell me very much about how you can help. It doesn't tell me why I would want to connect with you. So in some respects, it's a very weak call to action because it's way too vague and doesn't entice me or encourage me to want to sign up for a session with you. So here's an example of a stronger call to action that I might use. So if you're ready to take the next steps towards navigating divorce with clarity and compassion, then I invite you to schedule a call with me During this complimentary session. We will and this is where you're going to list all the things that they're going to get when they engage in your complimentary session so you could say something like we'll discuss your unique situation and explore personalized solutions tailored to your needs. You'll gain clarity on available options, empowering you to make informed decisions, and you'll walk away from our session with a clear roadmap to navigate the divorce process with ease. 

So think about these two examples that I've given you. Which one do you feel is stronger? Which one do you feel is more specific? And I think it's pretty evident. So this call to action really gives me reason to want to book a call. It encourages me to book a call and I know what I'm going to get when I actually book the call. 

So super important to emphasize the importance of being clear and specific in your call to action, and I hope this example demonstrates that you also need to make it easy for your audience to take action. So, whether it's scheduling a consultation, whether it's downloading a resource or registering for an event, clarity and simplicity are key components of this, and they are so often missed so often missed. So I hope you're feeling inspired to leverage virtual stages for your professional growth and remember that your expertise deserves to be heard, and virtual platforms offer boundless opportunities to showcase your knowledge and really to become a lead generator of your practice, and we see this time and time again. So, whether you're considering hosting your own live show, engaging with online communities or exploring the world of podcasts, webinars and virtual conferences, just know that consistency and clarity are your allies. So consistent engagement and clear call to actions will help you build trust, establish your authority and really ultimately convert prospects into clients. 

So it's not just about sharing information, it's about providing a transformation, and when you embrace virtual stages, you're not only expanding your reach, but you're also empowering individuals to find solutions to their challenges. So I hope that's making sense. Thank you so much for tuning in with me. If you found this episode valuable, I encourage you to subscribe and leave a review. Your feedback really helps us improve and reach so many more listeners, just like you. So stay tuned for our next episode and until next time, always remember there's no better time to start than today.