Serve First, Sell Later Marketing

#9 The 3 Step Process for Client Conversion That Every Professional Needs

February 14, 2024 Sylvia Garibaldi Season 1 Episode 9
#9 The 3 Step Process for Client Conversion That Every Professional Needs
Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
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Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
#9 The 3 Step Process for Client Conversion That Every Professional Needs
Feb 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Sylvia Garibaldi

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In this episode, Sylvia shares invaluable insights on a 3-step process that every professional must incorporate into their practices, to thrive.  She shares game-changing strategies that when applied consistently, can elevate your practice and create a legacy of client success stories. Prepare to have your perspective shifted as we explore the pivotal process that will help you not only stand out in a crowded marketplace but also cultivate a loyal community of clients who can't wait to sing your praises. Discover how to deliver exceptional service that exceeds expectations and learn why your empathy and communication skills could be the secret ingredients to leaving an indelible mark on your clients' hearts. Plus, we'll share the optimal moments to gather those testimonials that can serve as the most authentic and compelling form of marketing.  Don’t miss out!

Episode Highlights:
Creating Raving Fans and Increasing Visibility
Creating Exceptional Service
Optimal Moments to Gather Testimonials
Communicating the Value of Your Services

Links mentioned:
Click here to listen to episode 1:
Click here to listen to episode 8:

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Show Notes Transcript

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In this episode, Sylvia shares invaluable insights on a 3-step process that every professional must incorporate into their practices, to thrive.  She shares game-changing strategies that when applied consistently, can elevate your practice and create a legacy of client success stories. Prepare to have your perspective shifted as we explore the pivotal process that will help you not only stand out in a crowded marketplace but also cultivate a loyal community of clients who can't wait to sing your praises. Discover how to deliver exceptional service that exceeds expectations and learn why your empathy and communication skills could be the secret ingredients to leaving an indelible mark on your clients' hearts. Plus, we'll share the optimal moments to gather those testimonials that can serve as the most authentic and compelling form of marketing.  Don’t miss out!

Episode Highlights:
Creating Raving Fans and Increasing Visibility
Creating Exceptional Service
Optimal Moments to Gather Testimonials
Communicating the Value of Your Services

Links mentioned:
Click here to listen to episode 1:
Click here to listen to episode 8:

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"Love listening and learning from the Serve First, Sell Later Marketing Podcast” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

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00:04 - Sylvia (Host)
In today's show, I'm going to share a three-step process, a roadmap if you will, on what you must do in order to get noticed and engage with prospects so you can convert them into loyal clients and raving fans, and this is really about how to elevate your presence, create meaningful connections and provide unmatched value that transforms interested parties into more devoted fans. So step one is we need to really talk about the importance of creating raving fans who will actually advocate for your services and share their positive experiences, and so it's all about going above and beyond to empower your clients so they, in turn, become your most vocal supporters, and so what this means is it's about providing exceptional service that leaves a lasting impression and asking for testimonials to build a community of loyal followers, and that's really what you want to do, and I think exceptional service is something that keeps evolving. It's striving to make the experience better for our clients, and it's not a one-time thing. It lives on. So exceptional service lives on, and we tweak it, we make it better as we go along. 

So if you're asking yourself, well, what could this look like? What does exceptional service look like? And for many it could mean many different things. So let's use an example. For instance, a family law attorney could ensure that they explain complex legal concepts in a way that's really understandable, and so that could be one way of offering exceptional service is being very crystal clear in your language and making it very relatable. Another way to create exceptional service in this example would be maintaining open and responsive communication throughout the entire legal process, and what that means, or what that could look like, is responding to messages and providing regular client updates so that the client is always in the loop and knows what's going to happen next and what their expectations are. 

Another way to demonstrate exceptional service could be showing genuine care and empathy for the sensitive nature of your clients' cases, and I think that goes a long way. And you can also consider how you bill your clients. Is it aligned with everyone's expectations? And that's an honest question that you can ask yourself. How can you improve that? So by doing so, the attorney not only provides exceptional legal service, but also creates a positive and lasting impression that encourages clients to share their positive experiences and, as a result, become a fan or an advocate of your services. So there's a famous quote from Maya Angelou that says People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel, and I think that's super important here to apply this principle to this type of work that we do as service-based professionals. 

So we know that exceptional service leads to customer testimonials and also to the importance of asking for them. So I want you to think about when is the last time you asked for customer testimonials? So think about that and ask yourself is it time to ask again? So client testimonials that are incredibly relatable when they come directly from people who have experienced your services can mean a lot. So it's really important to think about collecting those client testimonials so that you can make it more relatable for prospects, and I think that they can really help potential clients empathize with the positive experiences of others, making it easier for them to connect with your brand. And so one really effective way to gather testimonials is by encouraging your followers to share their experiences by leaving a review on Google, which is one of the simplest ways to do it, but you could also ask them to create a short video about their experience and, to be quite honest, there are a myriad of different software out there that will help you capture these testimonials if you feel inclined to do so. If you want to keep it really simple, just ask, ask and give people the different ways in which you would like to receive that testimonial. 

But I think, more importantly, you need to just think about starting to ask for testimonials, and the best time to ask for a testimonial is when you receive feedback from your client that they are really satisfied or happy with a particular result or process that you just used, and so this can occur at any time during the client engagement. It doesn't have to be at the end. So think about any time you hear a client that's super satisfied or appreciates what you've just done. There is an opportunity to ask for a testimonial, and we've been doing this for years at SG Associates and we've done this over a period of time and we've collected multiple pages worth of written client testimonials as well as video testimonials, and so this does take time to collect, but, before you know it over time, you're going to have a library of testimonials to share when you are making it a habit to over deliver. So I want to stress that again you can certainly have a library of testimonials when you are making it a habit to over deliver. Alright, that's step one. 

Step number two it's all about making sure that you're seen and heard in the places where your ideal clients spend their time. So step two is really all about visibility and engagement. So let me break this down for you being visible isn't just about having a website or a LinkedIn profile. It's really about actively engaging with your prospects in the online and offline spaces where they're already looking for information and solutions. So for legal and financial professionals, this could mean industry-specific forums, linkedin groups or even local networking events. But I think that being there is only half the battle. The real magic happens when you start engaging with your prospects, and this means more than just posting and sharing valuable content. This is a piece of the puzzle that many professionals miss, and it's about creating engagement. So engagement is answering their questions, participating in discussions, spreading the love on social media, and so it's all about building relationships and establishing trust, showing them that you're not just another service provider, but a valuable resource and ally in their corner. 

And when you are engaging with the process of engagement online, if you will, it's super important to calendarize it. Put it in your calendar. Maybe commit to an hour a week to going through your social media feeds and creating engagement, being authentically interested and building relationships by going through your feed. But if you don't schedule it, it may not happen. So we like to teach our clients to make sure that they are scheduling that every week to create that level of engagement. 

So, when creating visibility, here are some things I want you to think about. The first is identify your space, and by that I mean start by pinpointing where your ideal clients are most active. Are they active on LinkedIn? Are they active on Instagram or Facebook? Do they read certain blogs or participate in specific online forums? So once you know where they are, then you can certainly focus your efforts more effectively and in a more time efficient manner. The other thing you want to think about is creating a content calendar. So consistency is key here. Plan your content in advance with a calendar that outlines what you'll share and when, and why I really love this concept is because it helps to ensure that you are regularly showing up in your chosen spaces without overwhelming your schedule, so it actually acts as a form of accountability. 

The third tip I want to leave you with in terms of building visibility is the engagement, like I just mentioned, engage authentically. When you comment on posts or answer questions or support people and celebrate their successes, you're making sure that your responses are thoughtful and genuine, and they can be so impactful when you are going through your feed and being authentically interested in what your audience has to say. So another way to stay highly visible is to understand your clients' interests and concerns. So the best way to explain this one is to really just stay up to date with industry trends, regulatory changes and maybe some common challenges faced by your clients, and so you can use this information to tailor your content, making it as relevant and helpful as possible. So, for example, if you're a financial advisor and let's say, there's a significant change in tax legislation, creating a piece of content that breaks down what this means for your clients in very simple terms can be incredibly valuable. So and it becomes another great touch point for you to communicate with them. So visibility and engagement are really more than just showing up. They're really about connecting with your prospects in meaningful ways, and so if you want some more tips and ideas on how to build visibility, then please listen to episodes one and episodes eight, and I'll actually link those in the show notes for you. 

Okay, moving on to step number three. So step number three is all about the clarity of offerings and results. So let me explain this. In the world of legal and financial services, clarity isn't just beneficial, it's imperative. What you are providing is a service that is quite complex, and so simplicity is going to be key. So your clients are navigating through a maze of information. They're looking for clarity, simplicity that can actually help guide them to the right decisions, and that's where you come in. So, by being crystal clear about what you offer and the results you can achieve, what you're actually doing is you're instilling confidence and trust in your clients from the get-go, and that's really important. So it's about cutting through the noise and really getting to the heart of what your clients truly need. It's about articulating your services in a way that resonates with them on a deeper level, so making sure that what you are articulating is important enough that it can actually resonate with them, and so that makes every interaction more meaningful, and that's the end goal. 

So if we were to tackle your offerings, let's look at your offerings, and so it's really about redefining them, not in the language of statutes or financial jargon, but really in the language of client benefits. So, for example, if you're an estate planning attorney, don't just talk about wills and trusts. Talk about securing a family's future and peace of mind. Make it more relatable, make it real. That's what they're thinking about is how to secure their family's future, how to have peace of mind. They're not thinking about wills or trusts. I hope that makes sense and I hope this is resonating with you. 

So once you do this, you want to align your services with the outcomes that your clients are seeking, and so this means understanding their goals, their fears and aspirations. So, for example, as a financial advisor, translating asset management into achieving financial freedom or building a legacy that's really all about connecting your services to their dreams. So let's take the example of a divorce mediator. This could translate into the technical aspects of mediation, into the real world benefits for their clients. So, instead of focusing on the process itself and the technical aspect of it, you can actually highlight how mediation can provide a path to mutual understanding, to fair division of assets and a co-parenting strategy that puts children's needs first. So, if you see what I'm doing here, it's really all about framing your services as a bridge. Framing your services as a bridge to a new beginning, so taking them from where they are now to where they want to be, rather than just looking at it as the end of a marriage. So if a client's primary concern is the well-being of their children let's take that as an example then the mediator could emphasize how the mediation process can be tailored to prioritize and address those concerns, creating a cooperative rather than adversarial approach. So think about how that could work and think about your situation. 

So you also want to be able to communicate tangible results. So what do I mean by that? So that's all about setting realistic expectations and then striving to exceed them. So, in this particular case, what you want to do is you want to share success stories, of course, maintaining confidentiality, but you want to share success stories of how you've helped other couples navigate their divorce amicably through mediation, and a lot of our clients do that. We teach them how to do that and how to profile that on their social media, and so highlighting the benefits of mediation, such as reduced stress, lower costs compared to litigation and the creation of a more harmonious post-divorce family situation. Those are all benefits. So let these success stories speak for you and really cement the value that you bring to the table. And I really believe that success stories have to be shared, and you have to do this consistently to help your clients imagine what is possible for them. So when you communicate your offerings and results with clarity, what we see happens is you're not just winning clients, but you're actually building relationships long term, and so you're enhancing satisfaction by delivering on your promises and really exceeding client expectations, and so this clarity leads to trust, and trust leads to loyalty. 

So my recommendation for you is to really think about this three step process that I've shared with you here today and just implement one of those steps. Start by implementing with just one and invest your time in it, try to perfect it and, once you feel like you've really done a great job with it, move on to the second step and continue from there. Please don't rush this process. This is not a process that needs to be rushed. It's a process that needs to be done properly. So remember, it starts with creating raving fans by delivering exceptional service that goes beyond expectations. Start small and build from there. 

And step two really revolves around visibility and engagement. So you've heard me say that it's not enough to just be present. You have to actively connect with your audience, you need to participate in those discussions, you need to provide value where it's needed most and, most importantly, authenticity is key, and genuine engagement fosters trust and loyalty. We see that all the time. And finally, I think clarity of offerings and results really can set the stage for meaningful relationships. So if you can articulate your services in terms of client benefits and how they align with your client's aspirations, you will very quickly establish trust and credibility. 

So please don't forget to share those success stories Super, super important. And I really believe that the marketplace is full of opportunities and your clients are waiting for you. They're waiting for you to make a difference in their lives, and it's time to show up, it's time to stand out and it's time to leave a lasting impact. So thank you for tuning in and, until next time, keep striving for excellence and making a difference in the lives of those that you serve. Thanks so much for joining me and tuning in, and if you found this episode valuable. Please leave us a review. Your feedback is so important. Thanks very much.