Serve First, Sell Later Marketing

#16 Expert Ways to Build Your Client’s Trust

March 27, 2024 Sylvia Garibaldi Season 1 Episode 16
#16 Expert Ways to Build Your Client’s Trust
Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
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Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
#16 Expert Ways to Build Your Client’s Trust
Mar 27, 2024 Season 1 Episode 16
Sylvia Garibaldi

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Unlock the secrets to building unbreakable bonds with your clients in today's podcast as Sylvia Garibaldi will share key strategies for building trust in the legal and financial sectors. You'll learn how to subtly show off your expertise while keeping your confidence and humility balanced, so you don't come off as too full of yourself. In this world, integrity is the main pillar. We'll walk you through how to maintain ethical standards, communicate openly, and use mistakes as chances to strengthen your credibility. These aren't just theoretical ideas – we have real-life examples and practical advice to help you foster long-term loyalty and set the groundwork for a successful practice. This journey goes beyond simple transactions. We'll show you how treating clients as unique individuals can change your professional interactions. Sylvia will discuss the importance of genuine care, personalized attention, and how trust can be woven into every level of your company's culture and so much more!

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Episode Highlights:
Demonstrating Expertise
Transparent Communication
Prioritizing Client Needs
Demonstrating Integrity
Putting Ideas into Action

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Show Notes Transcript

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Unlock the secrets to building unbreakable bonds with your clients in today's podcast as Sylvia Garibaldi will share key strategies for building trust in the legal and financial sectors. You'll learn how to subtly show off your expertise while keeping your confidence and humility balanced, so you don't come off as too full of yourself. In this world, integrity is the main pillar. We'll walk you through how to maintain ethical standards, communicate openly, and use mistakes as chances to strengthen your credibility. These aren't just theoretical ideas – we have real-life examples and practical advice to help you foster long-term loyalty and set the groundwork for a successful practice. This journey goes beyond simple transactions. We'll show you how treating clients as unique individuals can change your professional interactions. Sylvia will discuss the importance of genuine care, personalized attention, and how trust can be woven into every level of your company's culture and so much more!

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Episode Highlights:
Demonstrating Expertise
Transparent Communication
Prioritizing Client Needs
Demonstrating Integrity
Putting Ideas into Action

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"Love listening and learning from the Serve First, Sell Later Marketing Podcast” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

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00:00 - Sylvia (Host)
Hello everyone and welcome back to episode number 16 of the Serve First, sell Later Marketing Podcast. Here's an important question for you what if your clients didn't trust you? Think about it. How would this impact your practice, your reputation, your livelihood, and how would it impact your ability to retain clients, generate referrals and really just grow your overall business? So in this episode, I'm going to do a deep dive into trust and why it isn't just a nice to have, but really how to cultivate it, because it's the very foundation upon which lasting relationships and thriving practices are built. So in the high stakes world of law and finance, we know that clients are entrusting you with their most valuable assets, and so they're placing their faith in your expertise, your judgment and really your ability to navigate very difficult and often sensitive situations, and I think, without that trust, your clients simply won't feel comfortable working with you, no matter how skilled you may be. But trust also plays a factor in attracting your ideal prospects so that they can become a client. 

Building trust, I think, isn't always easy, and so in this episode, I really wanted to focus in on strategies that could really help you build trust successfully, but, more importantly, authentically. But, more importantly, authentically. So, now that we've established just how critical trust is for legal and financial professionals, let's dive into the strategies that I think you can use to build that all-important trust with not only your clients but prospects as well. And so I think the first and perhaps most obvious strategy is really to just demonstrate your expertise. So what do I mean by that? This means highlighting your qualifications, your experience and the specialized knowledge that you bring to the table. So don't be shy about showcasing your credentials, because your clients, they really need to know that you're the real deal. 

But it's not enough to just rattle off your resume, because I think some of us may do that. It's super important that you bring that expertise to life through some real world examples. So think about how you can share relevant case studies or client success stories that really demonstrate how you've helped people, and I think that these stories they help to humanize your expertise and show your clients the tangible impact that you can have. So I hope this is resonating with you, and I think it's also important to position yourself as a thought leader in your field. It's also important to position yourself as a thought leader in your field, and this means going beyond simply reciting the facts and the figures. Really think about how you can show your deep understanding of the industry, of the trends out there and the issues that really keep your clients up at night, and I think that's really important. 

So, when you combine your impressive qualifications, your proven track record and your thought leadership, I think what you're doing is you're really demonstrating your expertise, and I think that's incredibly powerful in building trust, especially when you combine all of those things and your clients will feel confident that they're working with someone who truly knows their information and will deliver the results that they so desire. Now I know what you might be thinking. You might be saying to yourself I don't want to come across as arrogant or boastful if I'm constantly touting my expertise, so how do I avoid that, and I think that's a really valid concern. The key is to strike the right balance. You want to be confident, you want to be authoritative, but you also want to be humble and approachable, and I think when you share your expertise in a way that feels genuine and helpful, it won't feel like self-promotion. 

So another important strategy for building trust with your clients and prospects is transparent communication, and I think being upfront about fees, processes and potential risks is not just good practice, but it is important for establishing trust and credibility. So when it comes to fees, transparency is key. Clients really appreciate knowing exactly what they're paying for and why, and so if you're clear with your pricing structure and any additional costs that they may incur and what they can expect in terms of billing, I think when you can set those expectations, you will start to build more trust, especially if you're keeping to that structure. So by being upfront about fees from the start, you're really setting the stage for a relationship that's built on trust and mutual understanding. But I think transparency goes beyond just money right, it also means being open about your processes and the potential risks involved in your work. So I think clients have demonstrated over and over again that they want to feel informed. They want to feel empowered to make decisions that are right for them. So by laying out the steps that you'll take, the timeline that they can expect and any potential pitfalls along the way, you're actually demonstrating that you have nothing to hide and that you value their trust. So it's another great way to demonstrate trust when you encourage open dialogue. 

I think that's a really important element to transparent that they forget about ensuring that their clients feel comfortable to ask questions, to not be afraid to express their opinions and to be honest about their situation with you. And I think when you can provide transparent communication, you will get clients who will actually open up and be more honest about their situation. So I think creating a safe space for honest conversations where they can voice their needs and expectations without the fear of judgment is paramount. I think you really need to lay that foundation and don't forget to manage client expectations by setting really clear boundaries, so let them know what you can and cannot do for them, what timelines are realistic and what outcomes they can reasonably expect. So by being honest about what you can deliver, you're actually avoiding setting false expectations that could lead to disappointment down the road. I think we all want to make sure that we are avoiding that. So if you remember that transparent communication is not just about sharing information, it's more about building a relationship around honesty, respect and trust. I think if you can remember that, then you'll be so much far ahead than your competitors, and I think when your clients see that you're open, you're responsive and you're committed to their best interests, they're going to be more likely to trust you with their most important legal and financial matters. 

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So another key strategy for building trust with your clients and prospects is really prioritizing their needs, and this is all about truly listening to them, understanding their unique goals and challenges and really just providing them with personalized or customized solutions that address their specific needs. So too often professionals get caught up, as I mentioned before, in the technical details of their work and forgetting that at the end of the day, they're really serving real people with real lives and real concerns. But when you make the effort to deeply understand your client's needs, I think that's when the magic happens. So let me give you a quick example as a divorce financial planner. So just imagine that you're working with a client who's going through a very difficult divorce. So this is an incredibly emotional and stressful time for them and they're looking to you for guidance on how to deal with the financial implications. So, rather than just speaking about a generic set of recommendations, take the time to truly listen to their unique story, understand their specific goals, whether that's protecting their assets, maybe it's ensuring a fair settlement could be providing for their children's future. So really dig into the nuances of their situation, their income, their expenses, their retirement plans and really get to understand what is at the heart of the matter. So when you're armed with that deep understanding, you can then provide personalized solutions that address their unique needs and when you do this, your client will feel heard, they'll feel understood and they'll feel cared for, and that's the foundation of trust, really. 

So the work, I think, just doesn't stop there. Work, I think, just doesn't stop there. You need to continue to follow up regularly, check in on their progress and really be responsive to any new questions or concerns that they may have. So show them that you're not just a one-and-done service provider. You're really a true partner who's there to help them and you're really invested in their long-term success. And when you prioritize your client's needs in this way, you demonstrate that you're not just in it for the paycheck, but because you genuinely care about their well-being. 

All right, another important way to build trust is really to just develop genuine relationships. So what do I mean by that? Very simply, this goes beyond just the professional interactions. It's about investing time and getting to know your clients on a personal level. You know, really showing that you care and that you have a genuine concern for their well-being. So it's about maintaining consistent communication, even when you're not actively working together. Communication even when you're not actively working together. So think about that. Do you do that on an ongoing basis? Most professionals don't. 

So it can be easy to treat clients as transactions rather than individuals with their own stories, their own struggles, especially when you're busy running your practices and I think it's super important to take the time to truly get to know your clients on a personal level. And when you do, you actually start to build a connection and that is where trust also starts to build as well. So when you're showing that you really care about your client's well-being, it's really a powerful way to just deepen that connection. So I think, when appropriate, ask about their families, their hobbies, show them that you see them as more than just a case and make them feel valued as individuals and not just as clients. And I think when you do that, that's when the trust really starts to build. So consistent communication is key to nurturing those relationships over time. So when you stay in touch with them, even when you're not actively working together, that really demonstrates that you care. And I think doing things like sending a birthday card, maybe checking in after a major life event, or sharing relevant articles or resources that might interest them, that really demonstrates that you care. And so when you do this, you're showing them that you're there for them and they will remember that. They will remember that. 

So I want you to think about the impact of a client who knows that you genuinely care about them, who feels seen, who feels heard every time that they interact with you. I want you to think about the impact that that can make. And that kind of relationship isn't just built on expertise or transparency. It's built on trust, respect and genuine connection, and I think that this should also be built into any interactions that your clients or prospects might have with your team as well. So your clients and prospects they might feel at ease with you already, but think about what if they had an interaction with one of your team members where they didn't feel a sense of trust or they felt ignored or they felt unimportant. I'm sure a lot of you listening to this may be able to relate to that. So it's important that you go beyond just having you build the trust you need to ensure that trust is a part of your company culture. That's going to be super important. 

All right, let's talk about another critical element of the trust building puzzle, and that's demonstrating integrity. So this is all about really upholding the highest ethical standards in your work, being reliable, being accountable and taking responsibility when things don't go as planned. So your clients are entrusting you with some of their most sensitive and valuable assets. They need to know that you're not just competent, but that you have the utmost integrity, and that means always putting their best interests first, even when it might be easier or more profitable to do otherwise. So I think you see where I'm going with this. 

So being reliable and accountable is a big part of this, and when you make a commitment to your clients, you need to follow through no matter what. So show up on time, meet those deadlines and keep them informed every step of the way, and if something unexpected happens that impacts your ability to deliver, don't worry about it. Be upfront and tell them that you'll find a solution to that. So perhaps the most powerful way to demonstrate your integrity is maybe to admit when you've made a mistake or you couldn't keep to a commitment. No one is perfect, and your clients know that what they're looking for is someone who will take responsibility, who will apologize sincerely and who will work tirelessly to make things right, and I think when you can do that, you show them that you're not just saying the right things, you're walking the walk. So imagine a client who's with a financial advisor who always seems to have the right answers. Advisor who always seems to have the right answers, who never misses a deadline and who takes full responsibility when something goes wrong. And that's the kind of integrity that builds unshakable trust. So when your clients will know that they can count on you no matter what and that you'll always have their best interests at heart? Trust continues to build. Trust becomes stronger. 

So I think it's one thing to understand the importance of trust and the strategies for building it, but I think equally important is putting those ideas into action. And so here's some actionable steps that you can take to really start building trust with your clients and prospects. So, first off, make it a priority to truly listen to your clients, understand their needs, really try to understand their concerns. Having worked with you, that's going to involve asking questions, asking thoughtful questions, and documenting their answers. And I think this simple act of listening can go a really long way in showing your clients that you value their input and you're committed to meeting their needs. And I would take it a step further, as I just mentioned, and make sure that you're documenting this information, because that will really show that you were paying attention and that you're listening and that you're remembering what is important to them. So documentation is always important and I think implementing regular check-ins is also a really great way to build trust with your clients and to really start implementing this into your practice. So, whether it's a monthly update call or a quarterly review meeting, it could even be just a quick email to see how they're doing. 

Consistent communication helps maintain trust over time and I think if you're staying in touch regularly, you demonstrate your ongoing commitment to their success. So leveraging technology and tools to streamline your trust building efforts is a really great habit to get into. So some quick examples here Use customer relationship management tools or software, any kind of CRM to track client interactions, their preferences. Try to automate follow-up emails or reminders. That's a really great way to ensure that those messages always get off and get to your clients or prospects on time. And this technology will also help you to stay organized in managing those client relationships. So I think that's super, super important. So these tools can really help you stay on top of important client details and ensure that no one falls through the cracks. 

So at the end of the day, I think we all know that trust is not built overnight. It takes time, it takes effort and it's a real commitment to nurturing those relationships over the long haul. So being patient and staying true to your values and really focusing on delivering consistent value to your clients at every touch point is a really great reminder on how to implement and build trust into your practice. So trust is like the foundation of a house. Without it, everything just falls apart and it impacts every facet of a professional's practice, from your reputation to your ability to attract and retain clients, and I think without it, your expertise and qualifications really pale in comparison. 

So showcasing your expertise and thought leadership, transparent communication about fees and processes, prioritizing client needs, building those genuine relationships, demonstrating integrity and really taking actionable steps for implementation, actionable steps for implementation All of these are so very important. So I think it's time to really take these insights and put them into action. So start by truly listening to your clients, understanding their needs and engaging in regular check-ins, and don't forget about leveraging technology to streamline your efforts and stay organized. So please remember, trust takes time and it takes effort and it takes commitment to really nurture those relationships. So thank you for tuning in with me and if you found this episode valuable, I would be most honored if you subscribe to the podcast rate or leave a review. And until next time, always remember there's no better time to start than today.