Serve First, Sell Later Marketing

#12 How To Create Your Messaging That Gets Attention

Sylvia Garibaldi Season 1 Episode 12

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Have you ever felt a spark of connection with someone that unexpectedly turned a mundane interaction into something memorable? In our latest episode, I dissect the four critical elements of messaging, teach you how to infuse urgency without pressure, and show you how to create a path to a more secure future for those you serve. Whether in legal or financial services, understanding the person behind the problem is key to evolving from a one-time service provider into a lifetime advocate.  It's a masterclass in crafting messages that strike the right chord— as we dissect how to refine your messaging through client feedback and develop the delicate balance of messaging that attracts and nurtures client loyalty. A must-listen for those interested in getting the attention of their ideal prospects with a simplified approach!

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Episode Highlights:
Legacy Building Marketing Strategies for Professionals
Feedback Gathering Strategies for Messaging
Client Communication and Feedback Optimization

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01:37 - Sylvia (Host)
In today's show, I'm going to be stripping away the complex lingo and getting down to the nitty gritty of what it really means to serve your clients, and so we're not just going to be talking about the services you offer. We're going to be talking about the human connection that turns a one-time client into a lifelong advocate for your practice, because, really, in a world where everyone's competing for attention, the real winners are those who can cut through the noise and speak directly to the heart of the client's needs, and it's about more than just solving problems. It's about understanding the person behind the problem and making them feel seen and heard. So, whether you're mediating a tough family situation, or maybe you're planning someone's financial future, it's the personal touch that sets you apart, and that's why we're here to share stories, strategies and insights that will help you connect with your clients on a deeper level. So I'm going to be diving into how to craft messages that resonate, how to create a sense of urgency without the pressure, and how to paint a picture of the brighter future that awaits your clients once they choose to work with you. So I'll be covering four elements of messaging that you need to master. But it's not just about what you say, it's about how you say it. So we're going to dive into the importance of empathy, the power of listening and the art of communicating in a way that's both clear and compelling. So I want to make this as easy as possible for you and very simple to implement when thinking about your messaging. So I promise to really keep it simple and easy for you to think about how you can apply this to your practice. 

So, as a professional, it's super easy to get caught up in the technicalities and forget that at the heart of every transaction, there's really just a person, right? It's a person. And it's a person who has fears, who has hopes and dreams, and that's exactly where we need to meet them, not just as clients but, I really believe, as human beings. And so that's the first section I want to tackle on messaging, and that's about understanding your clients. It's about getting to the core of what they're really looking for when they come to you, and, let me tell you, it's not just about solving a legal issue or managing their finances. It's about addressing their deeper concerns. 

And so, when we talk about messaging, there are two main types that really draw clients in, so I'm going to try to simplify this for you. The first one that I want to tackle here is that there are problems with the client, and the second thing I want to tackle here is that there are problems that your prospective clients they just want to avoid. They don't even want it in their universe, so no one wants to find themselves either stuck in a legal battle or maybe facing financial losses or dealing with the stress that comes with these situations. So that's the first type of messaging. The second type of messaging is all about the results that they haven't been able to achieve on their own, and so we're talking about quick resolutions, less stress and more economical solutions. So essentially, it's about offering peace of mind. So let me break this down further. 

When you're crafting your message, I want you to start to think about the problems that your clients are trying to avoid. Are they worried about the cost and duration of a legal battle? Are they stressed about their financial future? So once you've got that, you need to flip the script. So think about the results that they're dreaming of. So, for example, maybe it's a peaceful resolution to their divorce, or maybe it's about how to be able to afford to keep their children in extracurricular activities after divorce. So this is where your services come in, as the bridge from their current worries to their ideal outcomes. 

I hope this is resonating with you, but here's the important point that I want to make. It's not just about identifying these problems and results. It's about communicating them in a way that speaks directly to your clients. So in order to do this, you need to use language that they understand and that they resonate with. So show them that you get it, that you're there to make their lives easier, not more complicated. And remember, it's not just about making a sale. It's about building trust. Trust is at the forefront of everything. So when making clients feel understood, they're more likely to engage with your services and ultimately become advocates of your brand, and that should be one of your goals. So I think it's also important to incorporate these driving factors that actually lead clients to seek professional services. 

So let me share an example. What motivates your clients to pick up the phone or to send you that first email? Is it the fear of the unknown? Is it the desire for a better future? Understanding what motivates them to get in contact with you is going to be important when crafting your messages that will allow you to truly connect. All right. So that was the first element of messaging that you really need to get comfortable with and you need to master. The second element of messaging is all about why urgency matters and how to convey it effectively. 

So creating urgency it's not just about pressuring your clients right None of us want to do that. It's all about helping them understand the importance of taking action now rather than later. So it's about painting a picture of what could happen if they delay seeking help and the benefits of acting promptly. So, to put it another way, urgency is really it's a powerful motivator. We see this all the time. It's a super powerful motivator that can push prospects to make decisions and take steps towards resolving their issues. And so by understanding and conveying the urgency effectively, you're not just selling a service, you're actually offering a solution that can change their lives for the better. So I hope you're seeing the benefit of that and that this resonates with you. 

So a couple of examples on how you can uncover and articulate the urgency of solving your client's problems. So, for instance, let's take the case of a mediation scenario, so you could highlight the emotional toll of a prolonged conflict and what it can have on a family, or maybe the financial implications of delaying resolution Make sense. This is a real possibility that people in this situation could be facing should they not take action sooner, and so, when it comes to discussing the consequences of inaction, it's essential to communicate these clearly, so help your clients see what could happen if they don't address their issues promptly, whether it's increased stress, financial losses or strained relationships. So think about what inaction could cost your clients, and I'm sure each of you, as professionals in your own industries, you're going to know this instantly. You'll know automatically what this is, and so I want to make it clear that this isn't just about pushing urgency for the sake of a quick sale. It's about showing them the potential outcomes of taking action now versus waiting, because you're empowering them to make informed decisions that will benefit them in the long run. So, in some respects, it's really your obligation to share this information with them about the potential scenarios that could happen. So, once again, it's not about making a quick sale. It's all about explaining the different scenarios that could happen should there be delay. 

Feeling overwhelmed by marketing your practice. Marketing isn't just about reaching your audience. There's so much that goes into growing your professional practice, from understanding your audience to attracting qualified clients, to standing out in a crowded market. It might not seem like everyone needs to master marketing, but it is critical for success, especially in professional practices. So if you're ready to transform your practice and make it your best year yet, you have to join my free marketing workshop training on Tuesday, march the 19th, 11am, eastern Standard Time. In this exclusive two hour training, I'm going to cover simple online strategies to effortlessly attract the right clients without any complicated processes, just straightforward results. You're not going to want to miss this. One Link for registration can be found in the show notes. See you there, all right, so moving to number three. 

So consideration when creating your messaging and that's really about refining your messaging and strategies based on client feedback and interactions. So refining your marketing approach, it's not just about tweaking a few words here and there I wish it was that easy, but it really isn't. It's about truly understanding what resonates with your clients and adjusting your strategies accordingly, and that's where client feedback becomes invaluable. So for those of you who are collecting feedback or have been for a while, congratulations, because that's a really important element to any business is to be able to get feedback from clients. So asking for feedback and actively listening to what your clients have to say can provide you with invaluable insights into what's working and what needs improvement in your messaging. It's almost like having a direct line to the pulse of your audience. So what's the best way to get these insights? 

Well, when it comes to gathering feedback, there are a couple of strategies you can use. So you can conduct surveys, you can have one-on-one conversations with clients, colleagues and other sources, and the key here is to listen attentively and take note of their perspectives. So simple questions to ask are what are your biggest challenges you face? And that would be in a specific area. Or you could ask something like how do you currently feel about? And then you would list the specific situation that you're currently facing. So think about those questions that you want to ask and then from there, you'll want to take this feedback to refine your messaging and or use that information to create social media that reflects these challenges, and this all becomes part of your messaging track. 

It's all connected. It's all connected. So feedback from your clients, from colleagues, all of this can be incorporated into your Messaging track, into your scripts, into your social media. So it's very, very powerful feedback and I think, by incorporating the insights, all you're really doing is better meeting your clients needs and Expectations, ultimately strengthening your connection with them. So it is a really powerful tool, and I always tell our clients that messaging is all about staying agile, adapting to changing dynamics and always striving to improve, and so your messaging should really be a living, breathing entity that Evolves alongside your clients needs and as your practice grows and I know in my business, we are always on top of our messaging track. We're always changing it, we're always adding to it based on our client conversations. So super, super important to make sure that your messaging is always evolving. So you want to be proactive in gathering feedback from various sources. You want to use this feedback to enhance your messaging and strategies, and you never want to stop refining and improving based on what you learned. All right, so moving to number four. 

So the fourth important element of messaging and I have to say this is one that's missed often or not done well enough, and that's about articulating the positive outcomes and solutions that your services provide, and what I mean by that. It's all about showing your clients the light at the end of the tunnel. Remember that's why they're seeking your services. So it's about painting a vivid picture of what their life or business could look like After having worked with you, the transformation that they can expect and the benefits that they'll reap. So it's going to be critical that you help your clients envision their ideal state or utopia, and you're not just selling a service, you're offering them a vision of a better future. So it really comes down to instilling hope, inspiring action and guiding them towards a reality where their problems are solved and their goals are achieved. 

So let's dive into some examples of how you can effectively communicate the benefits and outcomes of your services. So, whether it's highlighting the financial stability your advice can bring, or maybe the peace of mind that comes with legal resolution, it's all about showcasing the tangible results your clients can expect. So, when it comes to helping clients envision their new reality after working with you, it's about storytelling. So paint a picture of success through real-life examples, use testimonials, case studies, and showcase the positive impact that your services have had on others in very similar situations, and so this is really one of the best ways that people will retain any information you share with them, and it can really leave a lasting impression. 

So let's take an example of divorce mediation. When it comes to helping clients envision their reality after divorce mediation, it's really about painting a vision of a future where both parents are actively involved in their children's lives, where communication is open and respectful and where conflicts are resolved amicably. So what this does is it sets the stage for a post-divorce life Filled with understanding and mutual support. And so when we create social media for our clients, we do exactly that. We write posts that demonstrate the before and the after, and our clients love the responses that they get, because it ultimately leads to more meaningful conversations and, obviously, more sales, and that's important for them. But I want to highlight that this is not just about listing features or services right, it's. It's about connecting emotionally with your clients and showing them how their lives can be transformed for the better. So by guiding them through this journey of envisioning their ideal outcomes, you're really just setting the stage for a successful partnership. 

So I want to stress how important it is to get your messaging right. To get your messaging right, it's not just about the words you use or how you sell something. It's about really connecting with the people that you're trying to help. So we've been talking about how your messages need to speak to people's hearts and not just their heads. Especially in a world full of messages competing for attention, yours really needs to cut through and really understand what your clients need. So every time you talk to someone, it's a chance to make them feel understood and to show them you care more about them than just a sale. So everyone has worries, everyone has dreams, and your job as a professional is to connect those two together on some level. Right, you're connecting the worries with the outcome, or their ideal state, or their dreams, if you will, and so that's super important. I hope that that analogy resonates with you. 

So we also talked about how you need to understand the problems your clients want to avoid and the good things that they want to achieve. So your messages should show that you get what they're going through and that you're there just to help to get them to the other side. Urgency is important too, but not in a pushy way. So it's about helping your clients see why it's important to act now and not later, and so by explaining the consequences of waiting too long, you're actually just helping them make smart choices, and you should always be refining your messages, listen to what your clients, your advocates, your colleagues tell you and use that to make your messaging and your positioning even better. So it's all about keeping up with what your clients need and making sure that your messages are hitting the mark. 

And here's another important point when you are collecting this feedback and listening to their needs and what they're communicating and you're doing this on a regular basis you might uncover some new services that your clients need, and that's the beauty of that feedback. I know we've done that in our business many times where, having in-depth conversations with our clients, we've uncovered other services that they need, and then we offer it and they take it Right. Same thing with the clients that we work with. When we are in conversations with our own professional clients, we are digging, we're asking questions to try to figure out what other services could you offer, what other services could you cross out? So, if anything I want to leave you with that thought process is to think about that. 

So your messages should really inspire people. They should paint a clear picture of how much better things could be if they work with you, and so, by telling stories and really connecting, you're showing people that you can help them achieve their goals. So it's not just about what you say, it's really about how you say it. So build trust, show that empathy and help people see a better future. That's how you really make a difference. So thank you for tuning in with me, and if you found this episode valuable, I would be most honored if you subscribe to the podcast rate and leave a review. And to all of you that have been providing us with tremendous feedback, I thank you so very much. Keep it coming. We appreciate it and we appreciate you, and until next time, always remember there's no better time to start than today.