Serve First, Sell Later Marketing

#14 Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Noticed: The Power of Personal Branding

March 20, 2024 Sylvia Garibaldi Season 1 Episode 14
#14 Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Noticed: The Power of Personal Branding
Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
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Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
#14 Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Noticed: The Power of Personal Branding
Mar 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 14
Sylvia Garibaldi

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Do you feel like there are way too many professionals doing what you do? In this episode, I explore the importance of crafting a personal brand that not only distinguishes you from your peers but also establishes a lasting legacy.  I share examples of the types of questions that you need to ask in order to create your unique brand that truly reflects your values, accomplishments, and the innovative strategies that you want to be remembered for.  Don’t miss out as I also provide a very powerful, 3 -step framework on how to build a legal or financial brand that makes you stand out from your competition but in a way that easily understood and implemented!  Tune in as I also share the most effective ways to quickly build your brand that most people aren’t sharing (hint: there are only 3)!

Links mentioned:
 Get your free Marketing Planning Workbook:

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Listen to episode 7:

Listen to episode 8: 

Building Your Indispensable Personal Brand
Building Your Personal Brand Through Engagement
Effective Use of Video Marketing
Connecting Through Sharing Expertise

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Show Notes Transcript

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Do you feel like there are way too many professionals doing what you do? In this episode, I explore the importance of crafting a personal brand that not only distinguishes you from your peers but also establishes a lasting legacy.  I share examples of the types of questions that you need to ask in order to create your unique brand that truly reflects your values, accomplishments, and the innovative strategies that you want to be remembered for.  Don’t miss out as I also provide a very powerful, 3 -step framework on how to build a legal or financial brand that makes you stand out from your competition but in a way that easily understood and implemented!  Tune in as I also share the most effective ways to quickly build your brand that most people aren’t sharing (hint: there are only 3)!

Links mentioned:
 Get your free Marketing Planning Workbook:

Book a Consultation Call:  

Listen to episode 7:

Listen to episode 8: 

Building Your Indispensable Personal Brand
Building Your Personal Brand Through Engagement
Effective Use of Video Marketing
Connecting Through Sharing Expertise

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"Love listening and learning from the Serve First, Sell Later Marketing Podcast” If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select “Write a Review.” Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!

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00:00 - Sylvia (Host)
So I spent some time thinking about challenges that are brought forward by our clients in so many conversations over the years, and one that seems to stand out for me is the concern that there's too much competition in the legal and financial professions. So, in other words, there are too many people doing what you do. And while that may be true, a key way to overcome this challenge is to build a personal brand that not only stands out but really stands the test of time. So, whether you're a seasoned attorney, or maybe you're a divorce professional, your personal brand is your professional signature, and so it's what people say about you when you're not in the room, and it's the impression that sticks with clients long after a meeting is over. Pretty powerful, right. So in today's episode, I want to give you a framework of how to figure out your personal brand so that it becomes indispensable for your practice. So I'm going to be sharing this framework. We're gonna dive into it a little bit further and I'm gonna share some more information that I think could be very valuable to building your personal brand. 

So, before we dive into the framework, I wanna touch on what you envision your professional legacy to be okay. So let's imagine it's years from now and your name is the one that everyone's referencing when they talk about divorce finances or maybe financial therapy. Let's use these two examples. So what are they saying? How have you impacted their lives and the industry? So this is the legacy that you're building, and it really starts with asking yourself some crucial questions. So, for our divorce financial professionals, I want you to think about the mark that you wanna leave on your clients, and so what innovative strategies do you wanna be known for? How will you have changed the way couples navigate the financial complexities of divorce? So think about these questions. What specific financial strategies do I want to be my legacy? How do I want my clients to describe their experience working with me? And what ethical dilemmas have I faced and how have I really solved them While maintaining my integrity? Okay, so those are a few examples. 

If you are a divorce financial analyst, let's take the example of financial therapists. So you're in the business of healing, not just balancing books. So your legacy is about the emotional and financial wellbeing of your clients. So here are some questions that you can consider. How have I contributed to changing the conversation around money and around emotions? What unique methods have I developed to help clients achieve financial wellness, and in what ways have I engaged with my community to advance the field of financial therapy? So you see, building your professional legacy, it isn't just about the here and the now. It's so much more than that. It's about leaving a lasting impact. So, whether it's through mentoring the next generation or innovating in your field, or it could even be contributing to your community right, your legacy is the sum of the choices you make and the actions that you take. 

So here are some other questions that I challenge you to think about. What do I want to be my most proud professional accomplishment? So think about that. How do I want to be remembered by my clients, my colleagues and the community, and what actions can I start taking today to ensure that my legacy is fulfilled? So I think, if you're listening to this episode, these powerful questions that I've shared with you can really help you distinguish your brand and talk about your personal story and how it impacts the work that you do. It makes you unique. So it's really not something that you have to get done in the next month or so. So don't worry, this is not a project for tomorrow. This is an accumulation of experiences and events that really help to build your legacy. So I hope this is making sense, and I think once you can answer these questions, you can think about what makes you truly unique in your field. 

So, as a professional, whether you're a family lawyer or in any other role standing out is really key, and I'm sure you've heard it many times before. The question is, how do you do it? And so it's about identifying those special ingredients that make you just you right. So let's dive into how you can uncover your unique selling proposition and help you stand out in the crowded space. So stick with me, because I'm going to lay out this framework for you that I think, is going to be super valuable, and, if you're taking notes, you'll be able to really use this in your practice. 

So, first off, let's talk about the importance of recognizing your unique experiences. Your certifications, your degrees these are all building blocks of your professional persona, and so they showcase your expertise, your dedication to continuous learning and really the specialized knowledge that sets you apart from the rest. So, if we continue with the example of a family lawyer with a passion of advocating for children's rights, maybe they've achieved their certification in family mediation, and so they have extensive experience handling sensitive cases, and that's made them a trusted ally for families, so this actually forms part of their personal brand. Okay, so you can also use your personal stories and achievements. Your journey as a professional is so much more than just a list of qualifications. It's a narrative that speaks volumes about who you are and why you do what you do. So think about it. Sharing stories of challenges that you've overcome or lessons learned can really help you humanize your brand and really create those connections that go beyond those technical matters that you solve. So here's another quick example of a family lawyer who's committed to guiding families through divorce with empathy and understanding that this has helped them earn a reputation as a compassionate advocate. 

So what I want you to do when crafting your personal brand is to think about whether it's your innovative approach to resolving problems for your clients, or maybe you have a track record of achieving favorable outcomes. Find that special, something that makes clients choose you over anyone else. Okay, and I think another good way to do this is you know, when you're in client conversations or when you're in referral partner conversations, what are some of the things they're thanking you for, what are some of the things that they're complimenting you on. This is part of your brand, so keep that in mind as you're searching to create that personal brand. Okay, so some other questions to consider to help you sketch this out is what experiences have shaped my approach to my profession? How can I highlight my certifications and degrees? That actually allows me to build trust with clients. 

Okay, so now I want to share a simple framework that I was referencing earlier that I believe can be a game changer for your personal brand, and I'm super excited to share it with you because I think it's really simple yet effective, and it's what I call the be seen, be heard, be noticed framework. Okay, and this isn't just about getting your name out there, it's about making sure that it sticks. If you're ready to take your practice to the next level, then you'll want to get a hold of our free comprehensive marketing planning workbook, designed specifically for professionals just like you. With this step by step guide, you'll unlock the secrets to attracting your ideal clients, generating more leads and mapping out your entire year of marketing with ease. Don't miss out. Simply go to SGIndissociatesca forward slash marketing hyphen planning hyphen workbook for podcast Link is also in the show notes. Check it out. 

So here's a three part approach that, I think, can be very useful when building your personal brand. So let's start with be seen. In today's digital age, if you're not visible, you might as well be invisible, right? It's about showing up where it matters. So, are you active on LinkedIn? Do you have a website that's not just a digital business card, but it actually showcases your skills, your successes. Does it have great SEO? So being seen is about making sure when someone Googles your area of expertise, your name pops up. Okay. So let's move on to be heard. So it's one thing to be visible and it's another to have something worth listening to. 

So this is where you share your expertise and thought leadership, and that could take the form of maybe you start a blog, perhaps you're contributing to industry publications, or you're speaking at conferences and webinars. It's really just all about sharing your insights on the latest trends, offering solutions to common challenges and really putting your unique spin on topics that matter. So remember, when you put your unique spin on topics that matter, that helps to build your personal brand. That's what sets you apart from all those other professionals. Okay, I hope this is resonating with you. All right. 

So the third part of the framework is be noticed, and so I love this part, because this is where the magic really happens, and it's about making a memorable impact and truly engaging with your audience. So it's not just about broadcasting your message. It's really about starting a dialogue, it's about starting a conversation. So what it looks like is this you can engage with your followers on social media, create interactive content, host those webinars, those live shows where you can connect directly with your audience, and when you're noticed, you're just not a name anymore, you're a brand that resonates with people on a personal level. So I'm sure you're probably wondering do I have time for this, how do I implement it? And all kinds of other objections that are probably popping up for you right now. So some of the key issues in implementing the be seen, be heard, be noticed framework are usually time constraints, budget limitations and a lack of know how. So I want to break this down for you so that when you leave listening to this podcast, you're going to feel enthusiastic about wanting to implement this framework. 

Okay, so let's break this down. So, first off, here's the thing building your brand doesn't have to be time consuming, so start small. Dedicate 30 minutes a week to maybe update your LinkedIn profile with a recent achievement or share an insightful post relevant to your field. So these are like really small steps, but they're manageable and you can gradually increase your visibility without overwhelming your schedule. And once you start getting the hang of it and you're seeing traction, you'll want to commit a little bit more time to it each week. And so you know, not everyone has the funds for massive marketing campaigns, and I get that, that's okay. 

Linkedin Space offers so many free or low cost tools to get you started. So use the social media platforms like LinkedIn, facebook or even Instagram to share your expertise, and these platforms, as I mentioned, are free and they have vast audiences. So I also want to add in that you should be spending the bulk of your time on LinkedIn as legal and financial professionals, and I'll tell you why because people who need you most are there, people who can afford your service, are there, and the targeting capability of LinkedIn allows you to have much more success finding your ideal prospects and referral partners. So engaging with your network, sharing your insights and contributing to discussions, costs nothing, but can significantly enhance your visibility and credibility. So what do you do if you're not sure how to go about implementing this framework and I know it can feel like I don't know where to begin. How do I do this? And so you're not alone. 

The key is to look for available resources. So think about do you have a mentor or a colleague that could help you figure this out? If not, seek the help of other professionals. This is something we do all the time with our clients. So, if you're feeling stuck, book a strategy, call with me and we'll see how we might be able to help you out, and I'll add a link in the show notes so that, if you're interested in booking a call, you can certainly do that. 

So simplifying the process. So this is, you know it's really important to think about how can I not only implement this, but how do I simplify the process? Because, as a busy professional, time is of the essence, and so I think it's important to think of ways in which you can do this. So simplifying the process could look something like this so, to be seen, for example, you may want to update your LinkedIn profile or commit to posting every way, or connect with more people on LinkedIn who could form part of your ideal audience or referral partners. That's another task that you can add in, or maybe that's the only task you do for the week, because that's what you have available to you in time wise, and it's something that's simple and easy to do. So that's a great way to be seen and it's a really small commitment, but it can significantly increase your visibility. So this is what I mean by simplifying the process. It doesn't need to be difficult. You just need to start somewhere. 

So, if we look at being heard, use the power of speaking engagements to share your knowledge right, be a guest on a podcast or have your own podcast, and I'm going to share more about how you can do this in a few moments. The be noticed part engage with your audience. Be simple. Reply to comments on your posts. Comment on the posts of others. Share it. These are really just simple acts of engagement that can make a memorable impact and really foster meaningful connections. So I really believe that building your personal brand can be implemented into your practice and it really really does not need to be complicated or overwhelming. But I think the key is is to take small, consistent steps and leverage the tools and resources that are available to you and you will feel like you are able to really build that personal brand when you're dealing with challenges of time, budget or just lack of knowledge altogether on how to do it. 

So the next area I want to cover, which I think is really important, is where would one see the most impact in building their personal brand? So if I had to choose the ones that get the most traction in building a personal brand, these are the ones where your audience can see you in action. They can see you in action. So the first one that I think is really super important when you really want to skyrocket your personal brand is to engage in speaking engagements, and they are like gold for your personal brand. Why? Because they put you right there in the thick of it, face to face with your audience, and it's not just about sending out tweets or posting an article. It's actually about standing up and showing up and showing the world what you're made of. But here's the thing once you start sharing your insights, your passion and your expertise, you're not just another face in the crowd. You're really not. You're the face everyone is looking at, the voice everyone is listening to, and that really is the power of direct interaction, when your audience can see you in action. 

So I wanna share an example of one of our clients, sarah, who's a certified divorced financial analyst, and so she started doing webinars on how you can come out ahead with your finances when you're going through a divorce. So at first she was talking to a screen in her home office and it was a little discouraging in the beginning, but once she started she got followers tuning in every single week and they were hanging on her every word and sharing her webinars out to others who could benefit. So I also want to share so many more golden nuggets about speaking on stages, and I have a couple of more episodes in the podcast that I think you'll find valuable. It's episodes number seven and eight, and it's all about speaking engagements and webinars and things like that. So if you're interested in building that out a little further, then you definitely need to check out those two episodes. 

So another one of our clients, john, who's a family lawyer. He launched his own weekly live show on social media, and what John does here is really unique because he breaks down legal jargon into plain language All right, plain language. He answers live questions and has built a community around his brand. So people don't just know John's name, they actually trust him, they rely on him and when they need a lawyer in his local area, who do you think they're gonna call first? Right, yeah, john. So it's not about the big conferences or maybe the webinars. It's about every opportunity to speak up and speak out. And so what's the takeaway here? If you wanna build a personal brand that's as robust as your expertise, you really honestly just have to get out there and start engaging, share your knowledge, tell your stories and, most importantly, be yourself Really super important. You know, authenticity speaks volumes. 

So the second way to get the most traction when building your personal brand is using video. So it's not just about what you say, it's about how you say it, and video creates a visual and an emotional connection with your audience that goes beyond words on a page. So when people can see your expressions, they can hear your voice, you know they feel your passion right, and that's when the magic actually occurs. It's like inviting them into your world, making them a big part of your story. So there's really different types of video content that you can engage in to take your personal brand to the next level. You could do educational webinars, and so this is where you share your expertise on a topic that matters to your audience. 

So whether you are a financial advisor explaining investment strategies, or maybe you're a lawyer breaking down complex legal issues, webinars are fantastic. They're a really great way to showcase and establish yourself as an expert in your field. Another great way to use video is client testimonials. I absolutely love this one. So nothing speaks louder than a satisfied client sharing their positive experience with your services. So video testimonials they really add a personal touch and authenticity that written reviews can't match. So what they do so effectively is that they build trust, credibility and they show potential clients the real impact you have on people's lives, and I know in our own business at SG Associates, we love collecting video testimonials and having our clients share their experiences. 

You can also do something that is a little different but also gives a good sense about who you are, what your brand represents, and that is what we call behind-the-scenes looks so giving viewers a peek behind the curtain of your practice, and it just really helps to humanize your brand. So whether you're maybe you're showcasing your team in action, or you're sharing your work process or offering insights into your daily routine, these behind-the-scene videos create transparency and build a connection with your audience. And, you know, I really encourage you to think about doing little short clips to begin with, because that's really, you know, snippets of information, I think, is what people would love to see, more so than long drawn out videos. So now, when you want to share out your video content, you definitely want to consider YouTube. As most of you know, it's one of the largest video platforms globally and it has an immense reach and visibility. So it's a great way to build your brand on YouTube and engage with viewers through comments and actually grow your audience. You can also leverage LinkedIn, right. Linkedin isn't just for networking. It's also a powerful platform for, you know, sharing video and getting your audience to know, like and trust you. And then, of course, your professional website. You can always embed videos on your website and it really, just, you know, builds engagement and showcases your personality and your expertise. So promoting your videos is key to reaching a wider audience. So think about sharing them on your social media platforms. Maybe you ask your collaborators or influencers to share it with their audience. Maybe you're going to push it out through an email marketing campaign. So there's so many different ways to do this, and it is a very powerful way to build your brand, your personal brand. 

So the third place to build your personal brand really effectively is through podcasting and guest podcasting. So I want to take a moment to talk about that. So having your own podcast isn't just about sharing information. It's really about creating a connection. So when you speak directly into someone's earbuds, just like I'm doing right now, you're not just another voice. You're someone helping someone with information that they feel could move the dial for them or benefit them in some powerful way. So podcasting really allows you to share in-depth insights, do a deep dive into topics and connect with your audience on a personal level that other mediums simply can't do. So when people are listening to podcasts, they could be on a walk, they could be doing their laundry, they could be cooking you name it right. It's so versatile. So you are in their earbuds, but you're with them on their daily walkabouts. 

So being a guest on someone else's podcast is really like stepping onto a new stage with a fresh perspective, waiting to hear what you have to say. So I like to view it as an opportunity to really share your expertise, share your stories, connect with listeners. But the beauty of this is that these are people that may never have discovered you otherwise. That's really the power of it. So guest podcasting allows you to reach new audiences, expand your network and establish yourself as an authority in your field. So let's take the example of a financial planner. And you're invited as a guest on a popular finance podcast. So, as you share your insights on financial planning tips, listeners are not just hearing your words. They're actually feeling your passion and your expertise all through the intonation of your voice. So they're getting to know the person behind the professional title, and that personal connection is what sets you apart in their minds. So, whether you're behind the mic hosting your own show or in the guest seat sharing your wisdom with a new audience, podcasting really offers a unique opportunity to connect with listeners on a deeper level. 

And please remember, it's not just about what you say. It's about how you make people feel, and I think in the world of personal branding, those connections are truly priceless. So, building your personal brand, it's not just about standing out. It's about leaving your mark on the world in a very crowded field of professionals. So I want to encourage you to think about your legacy. 

What do you want people to say about you? What impact do you want to make? And it starts by asking yourself the right questions and sharing your story authentically. So I encourage you to look at and think about how you can implement the be seen, be heard, be noticed framework, show up where it matters, share your expertise and really do your best to engage with your audience genuinely. And if you're not sure where to start, don't worry. Seek guidance, take small steps consistently and you'll see that your brand will grow over time. And I think in the end, it's really just about connecting with people, sharing your knowledge, telling your stories and being yourself, and that's how you make a difference. So thank you for tuning in with me today and if you found this episode valuable, I would be so honored if you subscribed to the podcast rate and leave a review, or please share with anyone who you think could most benefit. And until next time, always remember there's no better time to start than today.