Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
Serve First, Sell Later Marketing
#57 Rebranding Made Simple
In this episode, host Sylvia Garibaldi dives into how professionals can successfully reinvent themselves. Sylvia shares practical tips and inspiring ideas to help listeners redefine their professional roles or add a new service, use their past experiences to their advantage, and confidently make career changes. Whether it's updating your online profiles or forming new partnerships, this episode offers everything you need to rebrand yourself!
- Feeling stuck about how to grow your practice, book a free strategy call here.
- #3 Unleashing the Giant: The Untapped Power of Referral Partnerships
- #6 Pivoting with Purpose: Your Toolkit for Successfully Transitioning Your Practice
- #7
- #19
- #18
Key Takeaways:
- Discover Your Core Mission: Leverage your past experiences to define your unique value and expertise in your new role.
- Understand Your Audience: Identify the specific needs and pain points of your target market to effectively connect with them.
- Update Your Online Presence: Ensure your website, social media, and professional directories reflect your new role and services.
Episode Chapters:
- (0:00:00) Rebranding your Professional Services
- (0:15:58) Strategies for Transitioning Your Practice
- (0:29:05) Empower Your Transformation Journey
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00:00 - Sylvia (Host)
Hello everyone, and welcome back to episode 57 of the Serve First, sell Later marketing podcast.
I'm your host, syl Sylvie Garibaldi, and as we kick off this brand new year, I know many of you are sitting there thinking about change, and it's January, and if there's one thing I've learned after many years in professional branding is that the start of a new year is really prime time for transformation. So some of you are looking at your career and thinking this is the year I'm going to make a real change, and for many professionals in the legal mediation and divorce world, that generally means some type of rebranding. So over the years, I've had countless lawyers, mediators and financial experts come to me with this exact challenge. They're looking to pivot their careers, add new specialties or completely reinvent their professional identities, and you know what? We've helped them do just that with some amazing results. So maybe you're a family lawyer who's been in the courtroom for years, but now you're drawn to the idea of maybe helping couples through mediation or collaborative divorce. Or perhaps you're a financial planner who sees an opportunity in becoming a divorce financial analyst. Whatever your situation.
I've seen it before and I'm here to tell you that a successful rebrand is absolutely within your reach. So in today's episode, I'm going to share with you the exact plan that we've used to help numerous professionals make these transitions smoothly and successfully. So I'm going to walk you through everything from discovering your core mission to crafting your new personal brand, and even how to build those crucial strategic partnerships that can really skyrocket your success in your new role. And what I want you to know is this this isn't just theory. It's a tried and true approach that's worked for real professionals just like you. So whether you're actively planning this shift or just toying with the idea as part of your New Year's resolution, then I think this episode is packed with practical advice that you're going to want to put into action.
All right, so let's dive in. So step number one of this rebranding journey is discovering your core mission and unique value. So stick with me on this one. This is where we figure out the why behind your big move, and, trust me, this is really important stuff. So, firstly, we need to define your unique expertise.
Now I know you might be thinking but I'm changing careers or adding a new service. How can I have this unique expertise to promote? Well, I'm glad you asked that question, because your past experiences are gold. What do I mean by that? These are the things that will set you apart. So let me give you an example apart. So let me give you an example. Let's say you've been a family lawyer for 15 years and now you want to become a divorce mediator or a collaborative law professional. Those years in the courtroom, they've actually given you insights that fresh out-of-school mediators or collaborative divorce professionals simply don't have. So you've seen firsthand what happens when divorces get messy, and that is your superpower. Or maybe you're a financial planner looking to specialize in divorce financial planning. Well, guess what? Your broad understanding of financial planning is exactly what makes you valuable in this niche. You bring a holistic view that others might not have. So I want you to ask yourself what experiences do I have that make me uniquely qualified for this new role or for adding this new service? How does my past career support what I want to do next? And these answers are truly your secret sauce.
Now let's talk about understanding your audience, because this is a big one, folks. You need to know who you're trying to reach with your new identity, and this one comes up all the time when we work with our clients on this and so, if you're aiming for divorcing couples, our clients on this and so, if you're aiming for divorcing couples, maybe you want to think about are they divorcing couples within a particular age group? Are they young families? Are they gray divorce? Or do they belong to a certain ethnicity? So? Or maybe you're trying to reach legal professionals as referral partners. You need to get really specific here, because the clearer you are about who you're trying to reach, the easier it'll be for you to connect with them.
Now, equally important is you want to understand their pain points. What keeps your potential clients up at night? What are they struggling with? And for divorcing couples, it might be the fear of a long, expensive court battle. For other lawyers, it could be that they don't want to deal with the stress of managing high conflict cases, so they would rather pass it on to, perhaps, a mediator. For financial advisors, maybe it's the complexity of untangling shared assets, and they would rather hand that over to a divorce financial analyst.
Okay, and I want you to remember that you have two ideal target markets that you need to be marketing to your end client. Who is your paying client and your referral partner client? Who are your referral partners? Who are going to refer to you? So if you've been following along with this podcast, you know that I talk about these two ideal target markets all the time and that professionals need to market in a unique way to each of these markets. So this is why I've given you some examples of how to reach out or market to these referral partners. So understanding these challenges is really key, because once you know what problems your audience is facing, you can really position yourself as the solution. So remember, it isn't about reinventing yourself from scratch. It's about taking all that awesome experience that you already have and pointing it in a new direction. Okay, I hope this is making sense. Now, if you like, this may be a good time to pause this episode for a moment and grab a pen and paper or open up your notes app on your phone and take a few minutes to jot down your unique experiences and who you think your ideal clients might be. And this is the foundation of your rebrand. So please give it some thought.
All right, let's move on to step number two, and that is to clarify your mission statement. This is basically your professional why? In a nutshell, it's not just some fancy words to stick on your website, it's really the heart of what you do. So I want you to ask yourself what problem do I solve? How do I help my clients? And your mission statement should answer these questions in a very clear, concise way that will resonate with your audience.
So let's continue with the example here. You're transitioning from a family lawyer to a divorce mediator. Your mission statement might be something like helping couples navigate divorce with clarity and peace of mind all outside of court. So see how that works here. It's simple, it's clear and it immediately tells potential clients what you do and how you can help them. Now don't stress if you don't nail it on the first try, okay.
Sometimes this takes a little bit longer to really nail it down. What I want you to do is play around with it. Say it out loud Does it feel right for you? Does it capture the essence of what you want to do? And keep tweaking until it feels just right. But I warn you, please don't go into perfectionism mode and keep tweaking where you just You're so confused you don't know which one to use. Okay. So I want you to really think about that and say, okay, am I really spiraling into perfectionism here, or is what I've created good enough for now? Okay?
So moving on to our next step here, and that is gathering testimonials and case studies. So I want you to think about this one. This is where you show off your skills and prove that you can walk the talk. So, even if you're starting in this new role or adding in this new service, you can still provide testimonials. Here's how you do it. Here's the secret. You don't need to start from scratch. Your past experiences are a goldmine. So let's say that you're a family lawyer becoming a mediator. Think about times when you helped couples reach those amicable settlements. Those are perfect examples of your mediation skills in action, right? Or if you're a financial planner and you're moving into divorce financial planning remember those times when you helped your clients through those major life transitions. That's relevant experience right there. Okay, I hope you see where I'm going with this.
So the key is to highlight experiences that showcase skills relevant to your new role. Maybe you facilitated a particularly tricky negotiation, or perhaps you helped a client understand complex financial implications during a big life change. These are your success stories. Folks Use them. Use them and don't be shy about asking for testimonials from past clients or colleagues who can really vouch for your skills, because a glowing recommendation can go a long way in building trust with potential new clients. So I want you to remember here you're not starting from zero. Please let that sink in. Okay, you have years of experience. You need to pull that experience up. You need to highlight it and apply it to this new role or to the new services that you're adding. Because you're evolving, you're bringing valuable experience with you in this new chapter.
All right, we're diving into step number three of this rebranding, and that's establishing authority in your new role. So how do you go about this part? How do you get to become known in your industry as a thought leader in your space or perhaps a micro-influencer? So before I go into more detail here, I want to redirect you to our show notes, where I've added in links for other episodes to this podcast that you can listen to that are really related to this topic and can help you up your game in this area. We have so much valuable content here, so I want to direct you to some of that.
First up, we're going to start with content marketing strategy Now. I'm going to keep this simple, because I like simple and I don't want to let the term overwhelm you. It's just about sharing your knowledge in a way that helps people, period. So you're going to write blog posts, maybe you're going to create videos. You're going to host webinars on topics that matter to your new audience. You're going to write social media posts, so, so, for example, you're now a mediator. You might write a blog post on five tips for amicable divorce mediation. If you're a divorce financial analyst, how about dividing assets, common pitfalls in divorce settlements? So you're just sharing what you know. I hope you can see that by those two examples. It's simple, plain, but to the point.
Now let's talk about networking and speaking engagements. I know you may not like networking, but trust me, it's not as scary as it sounds. So think about joining professional organizations in your new field. Maybe offer to speak at events or be a guest on podcasts about divorce. It's a great way. Analyst, she joined this particular group in her local area and, you know, pitched herself as a speaker. And not only did she start networking, but she was brought in as a speaker and then started getting business as well from the estate planning attorneys in that association. So think about what is the new service and what are the associated groups or organizations that you can join that will expose you to people in that area who might be able to help you.
All right, so let's move on to social media. I want to tackle this one here in this particular step, because you definitely want to update your LinkedIn profile, make sure it reflects your new role and includes a really strong summary, and then you want to start sharing valuable insights regularly. This is super important. We see this all the time, you know. We'll look at people's profiles and they say, oh, I've added this new service or I've become a mediator in this area, and yet it's not reflected. It may be reflected in the title of their profile, but you don't see it anywhere else. So there's no value added information on their profile that you can find that's related to this new service or new profession. So you really do want to share those valuable insights, because that's how you're going to build trust and show people that you really know your stuff. So you'll need to do this with not just LinkedIn, but any of your other social media channels that you may be utilizing.
So be sure to take the time and plan out all of these changes so that each channel is aligned with your new services or new role. And please don't forget about your website. Add that section that explains your transition and highlights your expertise in your new role. So you want to include, maybe an FAQ page that addresses common client concerns, and remember that your website is often the first impression that people get of you, so please make it count and don't forget about updating those business listings. Okay, make sure that your Google my Business profile and other relevant platforms reflect your new specialty, so don't forget about Google my Business and any other platforms you have there. If you belong to any industry directories, please be sure to update those as well, and think about other professional directories that you may want to belong to with this new service or role. And, last but not least, think about creating some educational resources. Think about downloadable guides or e-books, something like the Divorce Mediation Roadmap or Financial Planning Checklist for Divorce. These are all great tools to help your clients and show off your expertise.
Okay, step number four. This one is the Low-Hanging Fruit email campaign, and I love this one. This is a fancy way of saying just tell people you know about your new service. So send an email to past clients, referral partners, professional contacts and anyone else and you want to share with them your new role, your new mission, maybe your new services, and invite them to connect or refer clients. But first things first, you need to announce the shift, and this isn't just a quick hey, I'm doing something new and post it on Facebook kind of thing. What I'm talking about here is sending personalized emails to your key clients, referral partners, contacts. These are the people who've trusted you, who have worked with you, who have sent business your way, and they deserve to hear about your change directly from you. So you're probably asking what goes into these messages, so let me break it down for you.
So you want to start by explaining why you're making this change. Maybe you've seen a need for more compassionate divorce mediation, or you've realized that your financial skills could really help people navigate the tricky waters of divorce. Whatever your reason, share it. People connect with authenticity.
Okay, next, I want you to talk about how this change benefits your clients. Are you now able to offer more comprehensive service? Can you help them avoid lengthy court battles? Will you be able to provide deeper financial insights? Whatever, it is based on your profession I want you to spell it out for them. Remember, people always want to know what's in it for me, so you need to make sure that your message will translate into how it's going to help them or how it's going to help their clients. Okay, I hope this is making sense. And then, finally, you want to include some kind of call to action. This is making sense. And then, finally, you want to include some kind of call to action. You want to ask them to refer clients who might need your new services or suggest ways that you could collaborate in your new role. So I would encourage you to invite them to a quick phone or Zoom meeting to discuss further and to really just connect and get updated on what each of you are doing.
Okay, so here's a quick little write-up, and of course, you're going to want to expand this, but I wanted to just give you a feeling for this type of message, so you can say Dear Name. After 15 years as a family lawyer, I've decided to focus on divorce mediation. I've seen firsthand how draining and expensive court battles can be, and I believe I can help couples navigate divorce more amicably and cost-effectively. So I'd love to chat about how this might benefit your clients who are considering divorce and would also love to hear what you're up to and then you would go into. Are you interested? Would love to set up a meeting for us to chat further about that. So see how this works. It's personal, it explains the change, it highlights the benefits and it opens the door for future collaboration. And I know that sending these messages sometimes could feel a bit scary. You might be worried about how people will react, but I want you to remember that most people are actually going to be excited for you. They'll appreciate that you're keeping them in the loop, and even if you aren't thrilled, that's okay too, because this is your journey and the right people will support you. I've done this exercise countless times with our clients. We've written the email for them, it's gone out and they have booked meetings so quickly because this is a warm audience and these are people that you know like and trust and they do want to help you. So this low hanging fruit campaign is an excellent one to help you make that transition, and I know we've helped our clients successfully do this and actually bring in more business just from this simple email.
All right, moving on to step number five, step number five. So this one's all about building referral partners, and so this is about making friends with other professionals who work in areas related to yours. So, once again, if you're a divorce mediator, think about partnering with therapists or other attorneys who don't offer mediation. If you're a divorce financial analyst, maybe you want to team up with family law mediators. The idea here is co-collaborate when possible. So a co-branded workshop or webinar maybe you and a therapist could put together a webinar on emotional and financial healing after divorce. So what you're doing here is you're both showcasing your expertise and you're helping each other out. So see how that works. That co-collaboration could be very powerful when you team up with the right people.
Okay, let's talk about professional organizations here. These groups are gold mines and they offer training. They offer networking events and sometimes even referral lists for potential clients. Plus, being a member gives you instant credibility because it shows that you're serious about your new specialty. And don't forget about those online communities, because those are great places to learn, share your knowledge and meet potential partners or clients. So look for those LinkedIn or Facebook groups that are related to your field. Join legal communities where people discuss divorce issues.
The key here is to just participate. Don't just lurk in the background, answer questions, share your insights, maybe even write a post or two and show people you know what you're talking about, and I know that this could sound like a lot of work, and you're right, because it does take effort, but here's the thing you don't have to do this all at once. What I want you to do is start small. Maybe reach out to a potential partner this week. Join one professional organization next month. Dip your toe into one online community. All it takes is one step at a time, and I want you to remember that building these connections they take time, but every small step that you take today is actually moving you forward in your new direction. So please don't dismiss taking one small step a day. It can move you in your direction so much faster when you just take these small steps.
Step number six and this is a powerful strategy to establish yourself as a thought leader in your new field, and that is monthly workshops or webinars and folks. This is a fantastic way to build trust, showcase your expertise and create a consistent touch point for referral partners and potential clients. So let's break this down so you can see how to make this happen. So first things first. I wanna talk about the objective. What are we trying to achieve here? Well, it's pretty simple. You want to educate prospects and referral partners about the benefits of your new service consistently Keyword here folks consistently. People need to learn from you consistently. They need to see and hear from you consistently. So maybe you're now offering divorce mediation or divorce financial planning, some other service. I'm just using divorce mediation and divorce financial planning just so I can continue the example throughout this episode. But this really applies to any new service that you're adding, and this is really your chance to show people why it matters, why it matters that you're offering this new service or you're rebranding yourself in a new way. So we're creating a predictable platform for you to showcase your expertise. So think of it as your monthly stage to shine, and here's a big one. We're strengthening relationships with referral partners and prospective clients by providing value to them first. It's totally a win-win situation.
Now let's talk themes. If you're in divorce mediation, focus on how the process works, its benefits and share success stories. If you're doing divorce financial planning, highlight strategies for managing the financial maze of divorce. In terms of format, you aim for about 60 minutes, including time for Q&A. For some of you it may be a bit longer, depending on what you are talking about and based on the engagement of the audience as well. So trust me on this people love the chance to ask questions. Do this monthly, and here's a pro tip Pick the same day and time each month. Maybe it's the first Wednesday.
Consistency is key here, and remember that you may have some people attend regularly because they're getting to know, like and trust you and, before you know it, they're a client time and time again, where you know people will show up multiple times and they just need to understand what you do better before they actually purchase. So this is why we say that this tool is absolutely indispensable to all professionals and you don't need to reinvent the wheel and talk about new content each time. It can be just a few different strands of information that you're sharing, and maybe you rotate this information, or you keep to the same presentation and you just update it with the latest information or latest case studies. Ok, so who should you invite?
So I want you to think prospective clients and, of course, referral partners, like whoever they may be for you. Think about who they may be, so these folks can be your biggest cheerleaders if you provide value to their clients. So this is what I want you to think about referral partners and ideal prospects, and, when done consistently, as I said, the payoff can be huge. You're not just sharing information, you're building relationships, you're establishing trust and you're positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your field. I can't tell you how many of our clients do this, and they're bringing in new clients over and over again. So, as I mentioned before, you're not going to reinvent the wheel each month. You're going to start with your core message and you're going to build from there. Okay, I hope this is making sense, but this truly is a great way to add extra value and strengthen those referral partnerships and strengthen those ideal prospect relationships that are still on the fence about whether they want to engage in your service or not, or maybe they're just meeting you for the first time, okay.
So, as we wrap up today's episode, I want to leave you with this Change isn't just possible, it's inevitable when you take that first step. So the perfect time to embrace transformation is really now, like this second, whether you're rebranding your professional identity or maybe you are adding a new service, I want you to remember that your past experiences, they are your superpower. They've shaped you, they've prepared you and they've positioned you to really create something extraordinary. So here's my challenge to you Reflect on the unique strengths that you bring to the table. I want you to clarify your mission and then take one bold action this week. Maybe send an email, maybe update your LinkedIn profile or reach out to that new connection.
Progress really just starts with one decision, one step and one moment of courage, and if you're feeling unsure about where to start or how to navigate this transformation, we're here to help. I can help you map out your next steps together. So set up a strategy, call with me, just click the link in the show notes and we'll be on our way to speaking in no time. You've got everything you need to make this the year of transformation. So go out there, take charge and build that career in life that you've been envisioning. I'm cheering for you and I can't wait to see what you achieve. Thank you for joining me, and if you haven't subscribed to the podcast yet, please do so. See you in the next episode.